Today I’d like to give you an update on an interview I did back in April, an then-re-air the interview with Dave Eubank, founder of the Free Burma Rangers. He has been an inspiration to me and thousands around the world as and his family risk their lives daily for the ethnic people of Burma in a civil war that has been going on for over 70 years.
The Free Burma Rangers formed in 1997 to provide direct relief to communities most affected by the government’s oppression. Teams are trained to provide medical care and counseling, while documenting and reporting human rights violations. Since its formation, it has grown to 71 Free Burma Ranger relief teams bring help to people facing oppression. Their work has been made the subject of a documentary which I would highly recommend.
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Show Notes
Excerpt from FBR Newsletter, 1st July 2021
One woman, whose grandson was killed, said, “I hope the killing will stop. I hope the world will see this is wrong and do something about it. All six of us were hit as we fled. I was badly wounded as were the others but my grandson was killed. He was six years old.” These stories are heart-wrenching, especially with this family that we’ve known for over 20 years – years ago we helped them with a medical procedure for their daughter and they had stayed at our house as she was recuperating. There is threat of attack any time in this good life in the jungle but every minute the people must choose good over evil.
I think it’s like that everywhere in the world. There are many forms of evil, from that which is in our own hearts to that which others do, but every minute we can decide how we’re going to live: in bitterness and fear or with courage and love. Crying with each other for those who have been lost, praying for and standing for justice and freedom, standing against evil, praying for and working for reconciliation, these are all good things we can do together. Today’s program, in a beautiful setting but marred by gunfire from a nearby Burma Army post, was an example of the choices we have in life. We can be part of goodness and light or part of evil and destruction.
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Trailer for the Free Burma Rangers Movie
Support the Eubank Family’s work by purchasing the movie: or get involved