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Today we’re talking with Sarah Thompson a Homeopathy practitioner- and I wanted to get her take on the Allopathic/traditional medicine’s approach to heath today in the COVID era and it’s failures. I’ve been skeptical of Homeopathy in the past, but considering how the WHO and Dr Fauci pushed big pharma for profit over safety while pushing a huge campaign demonize PROVEN, safe medicines like Ivermectin, maybe it’s time we look more closely at alternative medicine.

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Sarah trained at the Baylight Center for Homeopathy, the Academy for Homeopathic Education, Jaguar Path School of Shamanism, and Nancy Frederick Attunement, and holds certifications and registrations from the Association for International Homeopathic Certification, the Council for Homeopathic Certification, and the North American Society of Homeopaths.

Get a free consult with Sarah: NoDrugHealth.com

Articles by Sarah Thompson

Part 1, Hijacking Your Health https://innerseahomeopathy.com/blog/main-2/hijacking-health-308

Part 2, Abusing Your Trust, Abusing Your Health https://innerseahomeopathy.com/blog/main-2/abusing-your-trust-abusing-your-health-312

Sarah’s Recommended Reading
Divided Legacy, Harris Coulter
Shot in the Dark, Harris Coulter
Impossible Cure: The Promise of Homeopathy

Read the book by Ludwig von Mises: Economic Policy: Thoughts for Today and Tomorrow

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